
Robinson Waste Services - Leading the Way in Sustainable Waste Management


Regardless of your stance on climate change or environmental topics, we can all agree that we enjoy cleanliness. Utah faces unique challenges with smog, a growing population (which increases the volume of waste), and efforts to preserve our world-renowned geography. While nobody can solve all of these issues alone, we want to share some of the ways that Robinson Waste Services is helping keep Utah clean!

Waste Removal:

Starting with what we do best, dumpin’ trash. Robinson Waste is a full-service waste hauler. This means that we offer residential, commercial, and construction waste removal services. While waste removal might not be the first thing you think of when discussing environmental efforts, it may be one of the most important. Robinson Waste effectively removes tens of thousands of pounds of trash from our communities daily, this trash is placed in designated areas such as landfills. When a landfill eventually fills, they are often made into golf courses, parks, or wildlife reserves. It is easy to overlook the benefit that waste removal has on the local environment. Below is a photo of a river in another country where the waste collection system is unable to properly dispose of waste, oftentimes resulting in contaminated water. Compare this to your neighborhood with clean streets and water and you start to see why waste services are vital to local environmental efforts.

CNG Trucks: Pioneering Green Transportation

Robinson Waste Services operates many CNG (compressed natural gas) trucks, a revolutionary alternative to traditional diesel-powered vehicles. CNG trucks significantly reduce carbon emissions, leading to a substantial reduction in air pollution. In addition to this CNG trucks are significantly quieter than traditional diesel trucks, resulting in reduced noise pollution. The continuous effort of Robinson Waste to transition their fleet to CNG helps reduce the effects of smog, and keeps your neighborhood quiet (a win-win for us all)!

Solar Panels: Harnessing the Power of the Sun

Robinson Waste Services utilizes solar panels to power a large portion of its mechanic shop and offices. By doing so, RWS reduces its carbon footprint furthering our efforts to go green! Our investment in solar energy showcases our company's long-term vision for a sustainable future.

Recycling Services: Promoting the Circular Economy                                                                  

Robinson Waste offers comprehensive recycling services. Many of the cities we haul opt to offer their residents a recycling program which we gladly offer and operate. In addition to this, we offer recycling to all of our commercial clients. Recycling has a number of benefits including reducing waste, conserving natural resources, less carbon emissions, and even job creation!


Robinson Waste Services plays a major role in maintaining the beauty of Utah. Our services directly contribute to the quality of life we all enjoy in this great state. Our goal is to offer these services as efficiently and environmentally friendly as possible to further contribute to the communities we love.